Hi All,
This is the first time that I write in this forum; I have discussed the issue with some colleagues and looked in the manual but was unable to find any explanation.
I have an efficient design for an MNL model with priors coming from a pilot, and I have a monetary attribute with 6 levels that is defined as such in the utility function: revenue[0.9:1.9:0.2] . The problem is that the level 1.9 does not appear at all in the design (other levels are quite balanced instead). I have tried to remove the constraints (even if I am confident they are properly written and should not be the cause) and nothing changes. As a check, I have tried to force attribute level balance including (6,6,6,6,6,6) after the text above (I have 36 cards), but I get a message that the I do not have 6 levels. Instead, if I write, for instance, revenue[0.9:1.901:0.2] , with the upper bond higher by 0.001, the level 1.9 appears in the design.
I suspect that this is due to some rounding issues caused by the binary way of thinking of the computer, so that 0.9+6*0.2 is slightly higher than 1.9. Could it be the case? Otherwise, how would you explain this? Suggestions are highly appreciated.
Thanks and all the best,