Orthogonal Fractional Factorial Design - No Design Found

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Orthogonal Fractional Factorial Design - No Design Found

Postby acanakci » Fri Oct 18, 2024 2:16 am


May I ask you to elaborate on the causes of the following error:
Code: Select all
Warning: Defaulting to prior values of zero for the following priors: 'b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8, b9, '
Warning: One or more attributes will not have level balance with the number of rows specified: alt1.trafikyogunlugu, alt1.sigorta, alt2.trafikyogunlugu, alt2.sigorta
Note: Defaulting to assigning blocks with the 'minsum' method.

[Orthog] No design found.
Finished, at 7:10:35 PM, 10/17/2024

Code: Select all
;alts = alt1*, alt2*
;rows = 100
;eff = (mnl, d)
;block = 20
;orth = seq
U(Alt1) = b1.dummy[0.00001] * GuvenlikEkipmani[0,1] +
          b2.dummy[0.00001] * HavaDurumu[0,1] +
          b3.dummy[0.00001|0.00001] * TrafikYogunlugu[0,1,2] +
          b4.dummy[0.00001|0.00001] * Sigorta[0,1,2] +
          b5.dummy[0.00001] * DolaptanDolaba[0,1] +
          b6.dummy[0.00001|0.00001|0.00001] * CalismaSaatleri[0,1,2,3] +
          b7[0.00001] * BisikletYoluOrani[0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1] +
          b8[0.00001] * KatedilenMesafe[40,80,120,160] +
          b9[0.00001] * ToplamMaliyet[50,100,150,200] +/

U(Alt2) = b1 * GuvenlikEkipmani +
          b2 * HavaDurumu +
          b3 * TrafikYogunlugu +
          b4 * Sigorta +
          b5 * DolaptanDolaba +
          b6 * CalismaSaatleri +
          b7 * BisikletYoluOrani +
          b8 * KatedilenMesafe +
          b9 * ToplamMaliyet $
Posts: 28
Joined: Tue Jun 11, 2024 11:55 pm

Re: Orthogonal Fractional Factorial Design - No Design Found

Postby NassarN » Mon Oct 21, 2024 9:28 pm


;orth = seq

The manual p74
"... sequential orthogonal designs can typically only be generated in cases where each utility function has the same attributes with the same levels (i.e.,
unlabelled alternatives)".

Posts: 5
Joined: Wed Feb 02, 2022 2:24 am

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