I'm helping to design an unlabelled DCE related to job opportunities for post docs in the UK. As shown in the code below this message, we are using a d-efficient design.
There are seven attributes, two with four levels and five with three levels. We have included an opt out option. We have also included some small non-zero priors to indicate the ordering of the levels within each attribute.
When we've run the design for a little while and looked at the generated choice sets within the designs, we're still finding some dominant choice sets despite including an * for the different alternative in the ;alts line of code.
I was wondering if anyone had an explanation for this? It may well be that I've made a slight error with the code (despite consulting the manual!)
- Code: Select all
;alts = opt1*, opt2*, OptOut
;block = 4
;rows = 48
;eff = (mnl, d)
;alg = mfederov
U(opt1) = b2_Contract.dummy[0.001|0.002|0.003] * Contract[2,3,4,1] ? Contract Length
+ b3_Salary.dummy[0.001|0.002|0.003] * Salary[2,3,4,1] ? Salary
+ b4_Location.dummy[-0.001|-0.002] * Location[2,3,1] ? Location
+ b5_Interest.dummy[0.001|0.002] * Interest[2,3,1] ? Research Interest
+ b6_Development.dummy[0.001|0.002] * Development[2,3,1] ? Development Opportunities
+ b7_Autonomy.dummy[0.001|0.002] * Autonomy[2,3,1] ? Autonomy
+ b8_Culture.dummy[0.001|0.002] * Culture[2,3,1] ? Research Culture
U(opt2) = b2_Contract.dummy * Contract
+ b3_Salary.dummy * Salary
+ b4_Location.dummy * Location
+ b5_Interest.dummy * Interest
+ b6_Development.dummy * Development
+ b7_Autonomy.dummy * Autonomy
+ b8_Culture.dummy * Culture
U(OptOut) = b1