Dear programers and users of Ngene
Fisrt of all thanks for allowing me to join this team of experts in designing stated choice experiment (CE) studies. Eventhough I have some experience in analyzing choice experiment data, I didn't try designing my own experiment but now I am required to design a CE, and for that I am using Ngene and the manual is actually a comprehensive guide, which I found it important to begin with. However, while designing my CE, I came accross with some questions, and I list them below and I really appreciate your responses. The codes are included for reference.
1. As I understand, keeping the rdraws and rep properties, an MNL model can be used in the eff property to produce an rppanel design. However, can this design based on MNL model be used to estimate an EC model? And what about other models, e.g. latent class models, heteroskedastic logit models, and even a probit model?
2. Is it only the issue of time that is making designing an rppanel design difficult, or does the model generally can't converge?
3. Should I focus on s-estimates because sometimes I can see unreasonabily high s-estimates like in ten thousands?
4. when specifying dummy or effects coded attributes, should always one of the levels be a base? I raised this question because I have an attribute for which I want to see the effects of all the levels.
5. I produced a design with a cost attribute continuously specified, but I didn't follow the procedure for designs with continuous levels rather I just specified it as continuous level in design (see the code).
6. I am thinking of using a fractional orthogonal design for a pilot study and then use the estimates as priors to produce an efficient design. Does this generally cause a loss in efficiency of model estimates later on?
; alts = alt1, alt2, alt3
; rows = 24
; eff = (mnl,d)
; rep = 500
; block = 4
; rdraws = halton(300)
; Model :
U(alt1) = b1[-0.01]
U(alt2) = nutrion*nutritive+food*saftey+stuff*feed+pinfo*information+env*emission+cost*price$
Kind regards
University of Copenhagen, Denmark