Hi Paul
In terms of the memory issue, can you send me your syntax please? If you don't want to post it here, you can send it to
contact@choice-metrics.com, and I can keep the specifics of the design specification out of this forum when I reply.
Yes, you can generate a new blocking column. I have inadvertently put the newblocking option under the wrong property in the manual. It should be an argument of the block property, e.g. ;block=4,newblocking. Thanks for alerting me to this, I will update the manual.
The eval property can be used to evaluate an existing design, either with a full path, or just the design name if the design is saved to the current project.
By default, Ngene will only spend 2 seconds generating the blocking column. This number was chosen as the default because the blocking is only performed when the design is opened, and any longer would make opening a design quite unresponsive. You put arguments in the block property to increase how much time is spent on blocking (e.g. ;block=4,minmax,noimprov(5 mins) ), where this could be used either during design generation, or later in a two step process as you suggest. We have fixed an earlier bug that prevented the time from being more than 58 seconds. In terms of the blocking performance, I have generally found that the maximum correlations between the blocking column and each of the attributes has been low, less than about 0.05. But I have found that if each block has only a small number of choice tasks, then attribute level balance may be poor for at least some of the choice tasks.