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    There exists an active forum where registered users and Ngene developers engage and assist in using Ngene and stated choice experimental design more generally. We encourage all users to first find answers in the manual or look for answers by searching through the forum before posting any new questions. Everyone can read the discussions on the forum, while registered users can participate in any of the discussions.



    Note that we answer posts at our discretion. Although it cannot be expected that we reply to all posts, we try to assist where we can and as quickly as possible (time permitting).


    Please posts Ngene specific questions in the Ngene forum, and more general questions in the Stated choice experimental design forum.



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    All posts must maintain a level of respect, and not be abusive, contain offensive language, etc. The administrator reserves the right to edit or delete posts that are deemed offensive, or otherwise inappropriate for this site. Also, posts that are in the wrong forum may be moved or closed by the forum moderators.


    To receive information about updates of Ngene, please join our mailing list. This mailing list is only used by ChoiceMetrics to make key announcements. These will typically be concerning the availability of point releases and new versions of Ngene. Occasionally other announcements will be made regarding stated choice experimental design and information on courses offered with Ngene. You can unsubscribe at any time.


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