Dear Ngene team,
First of all, I would like to apologize if these questions have already been asked. I am fairly new to Ngene and did not find answers in topics I read on the forum.
1. Interaction-with-dummies question
I would like to know how can I model my utility function in Ngene if I have dummy interactions in it.
Let's take an example : if I want to model the utility of a car driver. Let's pretend I think his utility varies with travel time and if he has passengers with him. If he has, I want to see if passenger's gender has an influence or not.
My utility function would look like :
U(car_driver) = b0 + b_tt * TT + b_pass * passenger[0,1] +(if passenger=1) b_pass_gender * pass_gender[0,1]
A solution would be : "if passenger = 0, b_pass_gender = 0". And so we would not consider pass_gender at all when there is no passenger on board. But it seems you cannot run this in Ngene as "b_pass_gender" is a coefficient and not an attribute.
I just cannot run : "if passenger = 0, pass_gender = 0" because Ngene would give me a value of 0 for pass_gender. This means even if there is no passenger on board he would still have the gender "0" in my scenarios, which I do not want.
The problem seems even bigger to me if I want to introduce a dummy variable with more than 2 classes.
For example : let's pretend I want to see the influence of passenger's age only in the case he is a man (pass_gender = 1).
If my "age" variable is splited into 3 classes, I would have :
U(car_driver) = b0 + b_tt * TT + b_pass * passenger[0,1] +(if passenger = 1) b_pass_gender * pass_gender[0,1] +(if passenger=1 AND pass_gender = 1) b_age.dummy * age_pass[0,1,2]
I really do not get how to put this kind of conditions and interactions in my utility functions in Ngene.
2. s-estimate question
I just wanted to be sure to understand how Ngene "s-estimate" works.
For example : If I have 100 rows and 10 blocks in my design and the s-estimate Ngene give me is about 50.
The number of respondants I need is approximately 100/10*50 = 500, is that correct ?
A huge thank you in advance for your support.